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Finished Decorative Plaster. Carved and final colour applied

Stone effect colour and carve

Close up of decorative plaster to window frame and cills.

New finish joining up with existing paintwork

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Existing paint with some preparatory works for decorative plaster

Plaster awaiting Carve and final colouring

Blending in with Existing Stone wall

Roadside wall drying and awaiting first carve
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Decorative plaster between stone pillars

Stone effect decorative plaster

Concrete precast capping Decorative plaster to existing wall

Plasterwork carved into existing painted wall Plain Concrete Capping

Decorative Stone-like plaster to exising painted wall

Beautiful built up small wall plastered to give decorative stone effect. Capping is concrete and coloured. Colour imprinted concrete patio

Plastered brick effect with coloured plum capping

Plaster applied to existing wall